The Journal of Coaching Ethics (JoCE) is an open-access international peer-reviewed journal is committed to fostering ethical discourse within coaching practice, supervision, research and the coaching profession more broadly. The JoCE is also interested in the development of coaching theory, ethical theory and philosophy and how it applies to coaching practice. Learn more >>
Manuscript Formats
General Information
Authors should prepare manuscripts according to APA style and follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (latest edition). Typing instructions and instructions on preparing tables, figures, references, metrics, and abstracts appear in the Manual.
To ensure a blind review, identifying information such as author names should be removed from the manuscript (within text, references and footnotes), and use 'Author' and year in text and references etc.
Figures and tables should be placed within the manuscript, Not in an appendix.
All manuscripts must be 1.15 spaced, right and left justified, and use Baskerville Old 12-point font.
All manuscripts should use internally consistent spelling, grammar, and language (American and British English will both be accepted). Please also restrict the use of Latin phrases, long sentences, and overly-technical writing as much as possible.
Sparingly employ italics, rather than underlining for emphasis (except with URL addresses).
If your article is accepted for review, you may be asked to layout the article in the JoCE format.
The length of articles, excluding appendices and references, should not exceed 8000 words, with variances for each type of paper - see outline for paper type below. We may make exceptions in some cases.
All manuscripts must be accompanied by a title, author/s (on title page only not paper), abstract and 5 keywords. The title can be no longer than 12 words, followed by 5 keywords. The abstract is limited to no more than 250 words (but no less than 150) - see each paper type for its unique requirements.
Title Page
Every submission must include a separate document to the manuscript a title page. It should include the title, full names, institutional affiliation, country, e-mail addresses, contact numbers and DOI (if applicable) of the author/s. This single page will be uploaded as a supplementary file in step 4 of the submission process.
Only the editors or invited special guests will write the editorials.
Research Papers
Parts of the Manuscript (for empirical research). Authors can deviate depending on the structure of their studies.
- Title page (full names, institutional affiliation, country, e-mail address, DOI, contact numbers of the author/s.)
- Title (maximum of 12 words).
- Abstract (250 words maximum).
- Keywords (5)
- Declaration of any conflict of interest (e.g., funding sources if any). If none, please indicate so.
- Introduction (both background and literature reviews)
- Method (please include a 1 sentence statement concerning the ethics review process).
- Results
- Discussion
- Limitations/Future Directions
- References as per APA guidelines (DOI numbers are optional).
- Appendices (if necessary)
If submission does not conform to the APA style, it will be returned without review.
Short Reports
This section is reserved for studies that do not meet the criteria for a full study. This includes preliminary works with small sample sizes, or findings that do not meet statistical significance, but have impact nonetheless and warrant being published in an effort to showcase, as well as build, a foundation for future work. The same format as a full paper must be met. With the exception of word count - maximum 2000 words, excluding appendices and references
It is up to the Editor's discretion whether submissions will be accepted as a Short Report or full paper.
We welcome well-researched position or opinion papers that have relevance for ethical perspectives, (1000 - 3000 words excluding references).
A title, indicating it is a perspective paper, Author/s,
Abstract (150 - 250 words maximum),
Keywords (5)
Introduction (250 – 400 words),
Discussion, Conclusion (200 words maximum), and
Referencing (APA format).
Conference Proceedings
We welcome summaries (1000 – 2000 words, excluding references) that have been presented at conferences on topics related to coaching or other helping professions that inform coaching. Format as follows.
1. Title of the session
2. Author/s
3. Author Information: (title, full names, institutional affiliation, country, e-mail address, contact numbers of the author/s.)
e.g. Wendy-Ann Smith, Centre of Positive Psychology, Buckinghamshire New University, UK, Email:
4. Conference information
Presented at conference (add title of conference)
Location of conference (if virtual – state Virtual Conference website)
hosted by xxx
Date (format example 8 & 9 December, 2023)
4. Abstract/Overview
In the abstract, please provide a brief description of your session: intended objectives, theme(s) discussed, presenters, etc. Aim for 100-150 words.
5. Five Keywords
6. Type of session (Research-based/Panel/PDW/Case study)
7. Name of the coordinator and presenters of the session (if different from the author of paper)
8. Details of the presentation (add your own headings and subheadings)
Here you should provide a detailed description of what you presented/discussed; aim for maximum 1000 words. You should include:
- the format [mainly presentations; presentation/discussion with the audience; demonstrations, etc),
- structure [main topics covered with scheduling]
- objectives of the session
9. References (APA format, not included in word count)
Case Studies
Length: Approx. 1000 – 2500 words maximum (in total, inclusive of questions, excluding references)
Note: ***Confidentiality***
In the event you are writing from a ‘Real’ case experience, be sure to de-identify all people and organisations and write in the 3rd person (coach, coach supervisor, coaching client etc, in the first instance with fictional names thereafter).
In the event the case is fictional and you create business names, do a quick check on the internet to be sure they do not exist.
Keep paragraphs to 3 to 5 sentences long. This should help keep the focus on the central points to be made.
As usual, the word count is important, so try not to labour over points of no consequence to the case study, while being sure to include details of importance and add nuance to the story.
To be sure the case studies are practice-based and not theoretical there will be no referencing within the case study itself - see notes below.
The case studies are NOT to give guidance for actions that should be taken rather they are to tell the story with enough detail that the reader can then work to identify the ethical implications and determine their own best solutions.
The tone will be storytelling that is informal with expertise of the topic shown.
Case study title:
This case study (choose one) is fictional / has been anonymised to protect all parties involved.
Use the following headings, subheadings and points to guide your story.
Overview - 200 words maximum (referencing can be used here)
Similar to an abstract
Keywords (5):
Literature Review (500 words – it is expected you will include referencing here)
Here you will provide a contextual literature review, concluding with linking the issues in the case to work already published.
Case study – approx. 800 - 1200 words (no referencing within the case study itself )
- Set the scene - Background. Provide background information and the most relevant facts. Isolate the issues.
- Describe in detail the who, when, what and how of the scenario.
- Identify the coach (e.g John) and coaching client (e.g Jill) / coach supervisor / coach supervisee and other parties, etc…
The Assignment
- In brief, what was the intent of the relationship/ assignment?
The coaching
- How did you and the coachee/s and/or clients and other parties address the intention of the coaching/education/supervision ……etc ? With some interspersed direct speech - see below
John said “…….”
“uxyhas zhounays” said Julie
Key Challenges (no more than 6)
- What were the key challenges?
- Describe the critical points of tension for the coach, coachee/s and other parties.
Example ethical implications
(note 3 to 6 implications, that would help guide a novice to advanced reader, guidance of what they should do is not to be included - see examples below)
- Shift in value received through coaching — the coachee/client become aware of new or shifted values which changed how they see themselves and their decisions and whether the coach was a best fit.
- Boundaries of coaching engagement — boundaries of the working relationship were not formed and checked for accuracy throughout the coaching
- Trust was broken - the coach was unable to maintain confidentiality in this instance and so trust was broken.
Reflective questions for discussion (3 - that relate directly to the case study)
References (APA reference format)
We welcome reviews and introductions of coaching related books.
Title of Review
Author of review
Reference of book being reviewed
Keywords (5)
Introduction (200 words)
- Summary of argument/theme of book
- Information about the editors/authors
- Context of the book
- Critique